Early work in expanded cinema producing audiovisual compositions which push the thresholds of capture and display, and expectation and experience. Interventions which breaking the expectations of performer-technology-audience relationships through expanded cinema works using the body as screen. Shifting performances which explore the ‘noise’ of light and sound, balancing analogue and digital light combinations and mixing desk investigations.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

A cacophonic disruption threading horror and comedy into a live composition for phasing projection beams, voice and harsh light.

Ghost - Loud + Strong

A configurable performance and audio release– an intensely detailed ‘darkroom composition’ unleashing a haunted landscape.

Not Still Life

A performance altering the dynamics of space, with the reversal of the projection beam, caught onto a hand held moveable object.


A shifting film-sound performance mixing 'darkroom compositions' with light play to elicit commentary on the physics of light and sound.

Composted Memorial

A shifting film performance and 'darkroom composition'– a photo-sonic essay where the images literally generate an experimental noise track.

Psycho Subtropo

A durational performance veiled in de-focussed projection beams, masking rotating shutters, and over-effected mixing desk feedback.